TOEFL Essay:The only way to succeed in life is it to work hard

The only way to succeed in life is it to work hard and the people who do not work hard end up being unsuccessful individuals.

The only way to succeed in life is to work hard and people who do not work hard end up being unsuccessful individuals, I totally agree with the idea. Hard work is a key to success. One has to work hard in life, in order to achieve his goals. Without hard work a person will end up with nothing else but just the miseries, regrets and unsuccessful life.
If we look into our past or just have a look around us, we can find so many examples of people who worked hard and lead a very successful life. For instance, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah great leader, founder of Pakistan, a legend, who worked really hard to achieve his goals! He faced many hardships, hurdles and opposition in his way, but he remained firm, worked hard and ended up with avalanche success. Some people do not work hard and leave everything on its fate. They believe that a miracle would happen to help them. They are so adamant on their idea that they completely ignore the fact and live in their own dream world. But in the end, they really regret their decision when they have to face the undesirable repercussions. They end up with agony, Ignominy and unsuccessful life.
According to my contention, In order to succeed, one should be devoted, hard working and should be ready to confront whatever comes in his way, to risk whatever it takes to get what he wants. He should think sagaciously and obviate all the mendacious beliefs that might detract him. One should recognize that his own strength and hard work are his true assets, and all other resorts are unreliable.
I vehemently support the idea that one should work hard with full devotion and sincerity in order to lead a successful life. One who follows this rule, ends up with a prosperous, luxurious, in short an ideal life. One the contrary, one who does not work hard, ends with up with despair, regrets, ignominy and his life would be a complete mess.

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34 Responsesto “TOEFL Essay:The only way to succeed in life is it to work hard”

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  3. Malisa Frengton says:

    Good speech. It is not so much lengthy, nor short. Just PERFECT

  4. Aisha says:

    Very helpful and moral giving.

  5. KIRTI KAPADIA says:

    nyc but i want more topic .

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