IELTS Letter: You work in an international company and want to request some time off to attend a family event

You work in an international company and want to request some time off to attend a family event. Write to your manager and

Ask for time off

Describe the event

Say how you will make up time missed


Dear Mr. Asif,

I hope you are doing really well. Although workload is at its peak this month, I need to ask for some days off, as I have to attend the wedding ceremony of my brother.

My elder brother is marrying on the 28th of June. His marriage is going to take place in our hometown, which is Lahore. So, I have to travel back to Pakistan one week before the wedding as I have to make all the arrangements.

My father is 70 years old, and he is unable to take the responsibility of such an enormous task, which has left me in charge of arranging a successful ceremony. Therefore, I request you to grant me 10 holidays starting from 21st of this month.

I understand that giving that many holidays in the current situation is actually difficult, because of the huge workload. However, I have found a way to compensate the firm. I will work double shifts till 21st. Moreover, I will also come to work on the weekends. This way the company will not have to bear the loss of an employee. On the other hand, I will also be able to arrange and attend the wedding.

Kindly consider this my official request for leave. I am waiting for your response regarding the approval of my holidays.

Kind Regards,


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