O level English language exam paper 1
The total duration of Paper 1 is 90 minutes and it consist of to parts. In the first part the O level candidate will have to write an essay. O level candidate will have a choice od 5 topics and he or she will have to write an essay which consists not less than 350 words and not more that 600 words. The above description is of the part 1 in Paper 1 now I am going to give you some idea of the O level English paper 1 part 2. The O level candidate will have 30 minutes to complete part 2 in paper 1. This will be a task based question exam.
brother can u provide urdu and english guide or notes . if dy even exist…:/
im having lil problem comprehending dse subjects
let me knw if u can help me out
e-mail me if u can
jazakALLAH khair
best website bt can u also provide wtreme papers … ?
best website…bt can u provide xtreme paperz also :!
The O Level notes are toooooo good.
Best SITE!!!!!!!
FOR geting notes,