Change in structure of Business organization

Effect of changes in structure of business organizations

When public corporations are sold to the private sector it is called privatisation

Effects of privatization:

–        Business efficiency (low cost, high quality)What determines the demand for factors of production

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4 Responsesto “Change in structure of Business organization”

  1. Kriti says:

    Help for economics answers Add label

    Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 16:53


    Hello please help me to find answers for these questions for economics o-level.

    1. Demonstrate how production possibility curves can be used to illustrate choice and resource allocation. 2. Demonstrate the principle of equilibrium price and analyse simple market situations with changes to show effects in the market. 3. Describe the causes of changes in demand and supply conditions and analyse such changes to show effects in the market. 4.Demonstrate the usefulness of price elasticity in particular situations such as revenue changes,consumer expenditure. 5.Define private and social costs and benefits and discuss conflicts of interest in relation to these costs and benefits in the short-term and long-term through studies of the following issues: .conserving resources versus using resources. .public expenditure versus private expenditure. 6.Describe the function of central banks,stock exchanges,commercial banks; 7.Identify the factors affecting an individual choice of occupation(wage factors and non wage factors) 8. Describe likely changes in earnings over time for an individual. 9.Describe the differences in earnings between different groups of workers(male/female;skilled/unskilled;private/public;agricultural/manufacturing/services) 10.Describe trade unions and their role in an economy; 11. Describe the benefits and disadvantages of specialisation for the individual; 12. Analyse the different motives for spending, saving and borrowing. 13. Discuss how and why different income groups have different expenditures patterns (spending,saving and borrowing) 14 . Describe and evaluate the effects of changes in the structure of business organisations; 15. Distinguisg between labour-intensive and capital-intensive production. 16. Define productivity and recognise the difference between productivity and production. 17. Define total and average cost ,fixed and variable cost and perform simple calculations. 18.Describe the principle of profit maximasation as a goal and recognise that business organisations may have goals; 19. Describe pricing and output policies in perfect competition and monopoly. 20. Describe the main reasons for the difference sizes of firms (size of market,capital,organisation); 21. Describe and evaluate integration, economies and diseconomies of scale; 22. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of monopoly. 23. Describe the government as a producer of goods and services and as an employer. 24. Describe the aims of government as a producer of goods and services as an employer.; 25. Describe the aims of government policies such as full employment, price stability,economic growth, redistribution of income,balance of payment stability. 26. Explain fiscal,monetary and supply side policies. 27. Discuss the possible conflicts between government aims; 28. Describe the type of taxation (direct,indirect, progressive, regressive, proportional) and the impact of taxation; 29. Discuss the governments influence(regulation,subsidies,taxes) on private producers. 30. Describe how a consumer prices index/retail price index is calculated. 31. Discuss the causes and consequences of inflation. 32. Discuss the causes and consequences of deflation. 33. Describe the changing patterns and levels of employment; 34. Discuss the causes and consequences of unemployment. 35. Define Gross Domestic product (GDP); 36. Define the term recession. 37. Describe and evaluate measures and indicators of comparative living standards,such as GDP per head, Human Development Index(HDI).

    I would be very grateful to you if I could obtain the answers for these questions. With thanks from Kriti


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