What is ACCA F1(Accountant in Business)?


ACCA stands for Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. F1 (Accountant in Business) is usually the first exam attempted by an ACCA candidate. In this article I am going to answer the top 10 questions which arise in a person’s mind when he/she hears the word “ACCA F1”.

1. Knowledge needed for the exam?

Business studies, accounting and economics

2. What is the duration of the ACCA F1 exam?

The duration of the ACCA F1 exam is 2 hours

3. What are the forms of ACCA F1 exam?

PBE (paper based exam) is held twice a year in June and December

CBE (computer based exam) is held every day you can check dates with the ACCA approved centers

4. What are the different kinds of question in the ACCA F1?

a. which of the following

b. True or False

c. Yes or No

5. Do I have to attempt all the 50 questions?

yes, you have to attempt all questions, remember you are not penalized for the wrong answers. So if you don’t know the answer just guess it.

6. Best books for ACCA F1?



7. How much time should I spend to prepare for ACCA F1?

You should spend 2 to 3 months according to your educational background. For instance if you have taken GCSE accounting or GCSE Business studies then the  ACCA F1 would be a very easy exam for you.

8. What is the fee for the ACCA F1 exam?

The last time I checked it was 57 pounds, but you can check the ACCA website for the current examination fees.

9. How to revise for ACCA F1 exam?

Jot down a plan and follow it. You should study for the ACCA F1 at least 2 hours every day.

10. What if I fail ACCA F1 ?

Don’t worry if you fail the exam . You will not be required to give all the exams again. You will just have to deposit the fees via the ACCA website, prepare for the exam and then take the exam.



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3 Responsesto “What is ACCA F1(Accountant in Business)?”

  1. simon pious says:

    i have atempted acca business in accountant two times and am failing what should i do for me to pass? Please help i do self study. U can find me on the following email address simonpious@gmail.com

  2. So, there is a charge for every exam one does. That is nice and fair. But how about us who are not using pounds as our currency. Or how about just learning the lessons and not doing the exam? Would that be possible? Just asking.

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